Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I can see the light

I can almost see the light at the end of the tunnel. Every once in a while DV and GC play together and actually get along. Oh how I cherish those brief moments. I'm starting to understand how my mom must have felt as my siblings and I fought ALL the time. It is encouraging to see the "getting along" potential.

It is funny how you adjust to life. Life gets harder (i.e. your kids misbehave more often) and eventually you adjust and it doesn't seem so bad, and hopefully everyone learns along the way. So my advice to myself is, when life gets hard just hold on and sooner or (and usually) later I will see the light. Will someone remind me I said this when I complain about child rearing!?!


Myra said...

they are so cute. we sure miss them. kids fight, and are difficult (ellie never slept this afternoon since she took her diaper off and peed all over her bed, and i was sound asleep and didn't get her). so at this moment, there is a lot of tension in the bedroom from her at her brothers. i am hoping to ignore it. but we should all try and remember the good times.

wendy_d23 said...

Wow your kids are so cute! I love the pigtails!
Its nice to hear that its not easy for everyone! Misery loves company.

Chelsey Christensen said...

We miss you, D, DV, and GC. Every sunday as we sit in sacrament we look around at the unfamiliar children and Kevin trys to make friends, but they just cry for their mom. Actually he does have one friend about DV age. The other day Kevin started shooting webs like spiderman at church and this childs parents got really mad at Kevin. I guess the "culture" in DC is different than WV.
I am happy that you keep up your blog, so we can keep in contact.
Hope you are doing well.

Beth said...

I hear you, when Dax and Dace get along for those 2 seconds and they are entertaining eachother, I love to just sit and watch and then I think, Crap I could be getting something done!

Shauna said...

You'll have all kinds of moments...enjoy each & every one, they're all precious! :}