Tuesday, November 27, 2007

A trying age!

My kids mean everything to me and yet one in particular is driving me crazy. We did not have the terrible two's around here, but three deserves a name. It is hard to be the oldest I guess. Once the world revolved around you and then life was rudely interrupted by a sibling. You are constantly being told to "share" and "don't touch your sister." To counterbalance this new life you must exert your authority and shout "NO!" and "MINE!" I'm not sure how to handle this new stage. Any suggestions on how to make three a great age instead of a constant battle?


Cindy and Jim said...

How is this... the "Thoughtful Threes", because our Davey is using that bright mind to figure out how far he can go. I'm no help, Lacey, because Davey can do no wrong!
Grandma C.

Myra said...

sometimes i have to throw my hands up and walk away. and if ken is home i make him deal with it (by it i mean abe, who is almost 4 but will always be in his terrible two's, only now he's smarter and knows how to lie to his advantage). i am no help either since i am in the muck of motherhood myself...although it is a fun muck. ok, on thing: take him out and wear him down at the park or a play area.then you at least have a really good nap time later that day.

Beth said...

If you get any good advice send some my way too!